I played three games tonight, the end result being that I am now ranked #87 (IN THE WORLD). Exciting.
Don't have detailed game notes, but a few observations.
Game 4
Opponent: FASTEDDIEKG8894
Record: 89-58
Team: FSU
Better User Name: FASTEDWINDJ8894
Dece record, poor gameplanning. He blitzed a ton on defense, but they were of the nano/youtube variety, so he was constantly arranging his defense in a very precise way. This, of course, tips the offense that a blitz is coming, and a particular kind of blitz, too. It allows me to anticipate specific pressure from a specific spot on the field, and also make any adjustments I want to my passing routes. By the late second half he had begun to disguise his defenses a bit better, but by then most of my offense was "hot" and so I was able to do quite a bit of damage on the ground.
So don't nano, kids. It's beneath you.
Game 5
Who knows. I just know I won and got a quit at halftime.
Game 6
Opponent: HH CHRIS HH
Record: 49-16 ish
Team: LSU
Better User Name: ChrisHanson
Buddy ran five plays on offense. First, he operated out of Ace: F Pair Twins, with a FB lined up outside the TE on the strong side and twins to the weakside. He'd run a HB Stretch to the strongside and a play-action bootleg when it was setup. Then he moved on to a Wildcat: Spread Flex with some jet sweep, jet sweep option, and PA jet sweep. And that was it.
He scored on two of his first three possessions, but not after that. Gotta diversify that playbook.
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